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"I can't look when someone is looking" - Social anxiety under the magnifying glass

19:00 - 19:30 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Institut für Psychologie
EG, Raum 005, Semmelweisstraße 12
Semmelweisstraße 12

Are only the others afraid? Probably not. Find out exactly what social anxiety is, when you need support and what you can do if it gets too much. Find out how to measure physical stress and ask all your questions!

A presentation is due at school: Your knees are shaking, your hands are sweating and you feel nauseous - who hasn't experienced the typical signs of anxiety? Anxiety is quite normal - isn't it? We take a closer look at social anxiety, i.e. anxiety with other people. We will not only explain what anxiety is and when it might need more support. You will also find out what you can do when anxiety becomes too great and what we still need to find out in research. Those who are particularly interested can try out how we measure physical signals in the laboratory. You will also have the opportunity to ask your own questions and get to know yourself better. We look forward to seeing you!

For children, teenagers and young adults.

Soziale Angst
Soziale Angst
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