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Educational history(ies): Historical perspectives and research findings

19:00 - 20:30 o'clock
Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena
Haus 5, Ebene 1, Raum 05.01.32/33
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2

Findings from various research projects are presented. The first part deals with childhood(s) during the German colonial period in present-day Namibia, while the second part deals with youth welfare in the GDR.

The lecture will briefly present two main areas of work and research and will also discuss why historical research on education and educational institutions is relevant to contemporary issues.

First part: With a view to colonial history in >>German South West Africa << (today's Namibia), the focus is on what it meant to be a child at that time. Childhoods looked very different depending on origin and affiliation. It is also about approaching what it means for the present when many stories and voices from this time are (still) missing, partly due to wars and the genocide of the Herero and Nama. To this end, the experiences of a study excursion to Namibia, which took place this year in June/July, will be included. The excursion and the associated research activities are a joint project of the GP and SW departments.

Part two: With a view to recent contemporary history, the focus is on the examination of voluntary work in GDR youth welfare. A large part of GDR youth welfare was provided by volunteers who were involved in decisions or in the preparation of youth welfare decisions. So-called "youth helpers" were involved in youth welfare commissions on a voluntary basis alongside their professional activities. What motivated them to do so? What was the legal and ideological framework for their work? What influence were they able to exert on the families? How do former youth workers assess their work after the end of the GDR?

Finally, we will briefly show why historical research is important for shaping the culture of remembrance, but also for shaping the present and the future.

Suitable for all age groups


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