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Research Software Engineering in practice

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Michael Stifel Zentrum für Datengetriebene und Simulationsgestützte Wissenschaften (MSCJ)
Campus, Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, Raum wird noch bekannt gegeben
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3

Research software development continues to gain in importance, especially in non-scientific fields. We will show you how zedif gives researchers the support they need to master this challenge.

Research software development continues to grow in importance as the volume and frequency with which data is used in research increases. The topic has long since found its way beyond the natural sciences into almost all areas of research. At the same time, many researchers are forced to learn software development on the side, as it is part of the curriculum in very few degree programs, and if it is, the training is usually limited to pure programming.

The Competence Center for Digital Research (zedif) supports researchers in this area by providing training, advice and, in some cases, actual development work.

We will be presenting some of our consulting cases at our stand. We will show what goals the research projects pursued, what software had to be developed or adapted for them and how we implemented this together with the researchers. Specifically, we present three of our consulting cases.
For example, we advised a physics project on software development and measurement data management, developed an extension for a survey system for a social science study and set up a service for automatic transcription.

Links ein Screenshot der graphischen Oberfläche des Programms Go4 zur Auswertung von Zeitreihen von Messwerten; rechts ein Screenshot eines Quellcodeausschnitts des Plug-Ins, dass der Auswertung auf der linken Seite zugrunde liegt.
Auswertungssoftware und Quellcode
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