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TinyDraco - A high-performance computer in a very small package

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Michael Stifel Zentrum für Datengetriebene und Simulationsgestützte Wissenschaften (MSCJ)
Campus, Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, Raum wird noch bekannt gegeben
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3

What is a high-performance or mainframe computer and how does it work? We demonstrate this with TinyDraco, a miniature mainframe computer that you can touch and understand.

With Draco, the university operates a high-performance computer that scientists can use for their data analyses and simulations.

But what exactly is a high-performance or mainframe computer and how does it work?

To better understand this, we have brought along our small counterpart TinyDraco - a miniature mainframe computer.
TinyDraco has a very similar structure to a high-performance computer, but here you can see all the individual parts. Like a high-performance computer, TinyDraco also consists of several individual computers that are connected via a network. However, instead of the large (and noisy) server computers, we use single-board computers about the size of an EC card.
With an interactive flow simulation, you will learn how the individual computers are connected to form a high-performance computer and how the computing work is divided up.

Foto des Einplatinenrechners Raspberry Pi 4 Model B: eine Leiterplatte mit verschiedenene Chips und Steckerbuchsen.
Einplatinencomputer Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
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