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Everything already pre-programmed? How our attitudes to age and ageing influence our ageing

22:00 - 22:40 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Institut für Psychologie
Am Steiger 3, SR 009
Am Steiger 3

The lecture explores how our attitudes, assumptions and expectations about age and ageing influence our health and well-being in old age.

Will my ageing only be characterized by loss and decline or will there also be gain and growth? Does my attitude towards ageing have an influence on my ageing process or is everything pre-programmed? We would like to show you that ageing is by no means a process set in stone. The findings of psychological ageing research clearly show that our attitudes, assumptions and expectations towards age and ageing have a measurable influence on our ageing process. In this lecture, we will examine common age stereotypes, refute them and show how internal assumptions create biological realities.



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