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Cult scenes from the French theater

19:00 - 21:15 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Institut für Romanistik
Gewölbekeller im Haus auf der Mauer
Johannisplatz 26

Discover cult scenes from French theater, read by students of Romance studies.

Students of Romance studies present short scenes from French theater in the original language that are familiar to every theatergoer and that they have studied as part of a practical language seminar. From Corneille and Racine to Molière, Rostand and Yasmina Reza, you will gain a fascinating insight into French theater history. In staged readings, students will present excerpts from well-known plays that have become so firmly established in French popular culture that they are familiar to every French person. Your French is so-so? Pas de souci: There will be entertaining introductions and explanations in German.

The performance lasts about 35 minutes.

A second performance starts at 8.30 pm.

Phèdre, Alexandre Cabanel, Public domain
Phèdre, Alexandre Cabanel, Public domain
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