Self-determination in healthcare: living will, health care proxy and care directive. Find out more about the instruments, their background, purpose, advantages and disadvantages.
Findings from various research projects are presented. The first part deals with childhood(s) during the German colonial period in present-day Namibia, while the second part deals with youth welfare in the GDR.
THE FLORA INCOGNITA plant identification app: how was it developed, what does it mean for research and what's next? Get to know the people behind the app!
Have you ever thought about how analytical chemistry helps turn colorful plastic waste into white beverage cups? Our specialists reveal the secrets of elemental analysis.
Dr. Stefan Gerber and Prof. Joachim Bauer will take you back to the founding years of the university after the defeat of John Frederick I in the Schmalkaldic War and look at the importance of the Salana for the Ernestines up to the time of the F
19:30 - 20:00 o'clock
Stadtmuseum JenaandInstitut für Orientalistik, Indogermanistik, Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie