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Into space with the Multimedia Center! - Green screen hands-on activities for young and old

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Multimediazentrum
Campus Ernst-Abbe-Platz, Multimediazentrum, 1. OG, Fernsehstudio
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3

Come along and take a seat in our MMZ spaceship. We invite you to take an exciting flight through space. And if you still haven't had enough, you can send short messages from space at our Telepromter station.

You don't have the necessary small change for a real flight into space with a private space company? But would you still like to experience what it feels like to fly through space? Then come to our Multimedia Center, because our MMZ spaceship awaits you in our TV studio, where you can take an adventurous flight through space with the help of the latest green screen technology.

You can experience even more state-of-the-art television technology at our teleprompter station: take a virtual seat in the cockpit of a spaceship and send various short messages from space to Earth.

All the recordings we make of you on this day will be made available for you to download afterwards.

stilisierte Rakete, Mit dem Multimediazentrum auf ins All! – Greenscreen-Mitmachaktionen für Groß & Klein
Mit dem Multimediazentrum auf ins All! – Greenscreen-Mitmachaktionen für Groß & Klein
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