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Small life - big impact

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie – Hans-Knöll-Institut
HKI Biotech Center
Hermann-Löns-Straße 70, 07745 Jena

Bacteria and fungi produce many substances and even electricity that are useful to humans. We show you the long way from the isolation of a new microorganism from nature to the pure active ingredient and electrical energy.

Microorganisms are living chemical factories. From the simplest ingredients, bacteria and fungi produce highly complex substances in a very short time, which we use as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, solvents or for the production of our food. Electricity can also be produced as a by-product of bacterial metabolism. In the biotechnology center, we develop new processes to elicit the desired substances from microbes in the highest possible yield.

Experience how new microorganisms are isolated from nature and cultivated. Get to know fermenters in which huge quantities of individual cells do their job. Find out how we develop biotechnological processes to increase the yield of new active ingredients and which projects we are working on together with partners all over the world. Discover how much electrical potential there is in your garden soil.

Durchsichtige Fermenter mit goldbrauner Flüssigkeit, im Hintergrund unscharf zu sehen ein Forscher im Kittel.
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