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From plant discovery to research results - how does the Flora Incognita app help to do science?

19:00 - 21:00 o'clock
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
Hans-Knöll-Str. 10

THE FLORA INCOGNITA plant identification app - how was it developed, what does it mean for research and what's next? Get to know the people behind the app!

Most people who are interested in plants know and appreciate it by now: the Flora Incognita app is popular with all amateur botanists, students and teachers. The app has become indispensable on family outings, when hiking, in your own garden and when identifying urban greenery.

What role does the app play in research? What do the users do? The data obtained from the app shows how the start of flowering of many plants is shifting and how climate change is affecting the plant world and thus also pollinator insects.

In our presentation, you will find out how the project has developed, which results are important for all of us and how we want to use artificial intelligence to investigate further questions.

After the richly illustrated presentation, you can meet the people who helped develop the app between 8 and 9 pm and ask them your questions directly.

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Die Flora Incognita App hilft bei der Pflanzenbestimmung.
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