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Parasites, pupae and polyps: A journey through the wonders of life cycles

18:00 - 22:00 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie mit Phyletischem Museum
Raum E013 (Praktikumsraum 3)
Erbertstraße 1

Experience the fascinating life cycles in the animal kingdom at our interactive event! Discover the complex parasitic life cycles, the development of insects and the mysterious cycles of jellyfish at our hands-on stations.

Life cycles are the multiple phases that organisms go through from birth to death. They include reproduction, management, growth and development, which show amazing and often complex patterns in nature. At various hands-on stations, you have the opportunity to playfully discover the developmental stages of various animals and observe microscopic processes. Whether for science fans, curious explorers or anyone simply looking for an exciting activity - there is something for everyone here.

Kollage mit 4 Abbildungen: 1) Mehlkäfer (adult); 2) Medusen der Ohrenqualle; 3) Feldgrille (adult); 4) Saitenwurm (adult)
Diese Tiere könnt ihr während der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften beobachten: 1) Mehlkäfer (adult); 2) Medusen der Ohrenqualle; 3) Feldgrille (adult); 4) Saitenwurm (adult)
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