Energy from sunlight - how does artificial photosynthesis work?
The CRC CataLight recreates the natural structures and processes with molecular catalysts and shows how artificial dyes can be used to split more than just water to produce green hydrogen. Experience artificial photosynthesis with vivid experiments.
Photoelectrons on a journey: Understanding light energy through play
After absorbing light, the molecular light collection complexes go through a cascade of electronically excited states - comparable to water running through a stream and driving a mill. You can recreate, rebuild and vary such molecular relaxation cascades in a playful way by designing our photosynthesis marble run according to your ideas and directing the excitation in different directions.
Ultra-thin - what surface tension and molecularly thin films have in common
Experience experiments that show you how scientists produce molecularly thin films and tailor them for various applications - be it in light harvesting, sensors or separation processes. You will also learn how water basins not only serve to cool down on hot summer days, but also help researchers to produce ultra-thin films with precision.