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Jurassic Park of bacteria

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie – Hans-Knöll-Institut
HKI Biotech Center
Hermann-Löns-Straße 70, 07745 Jena

We would like to show you how we are delving deep into the past to find new stone-age molecules with antibiotic effects. We lack these in the fight against known and new pathogens, especially against multi-resistant germs.

Discovering prehistoric microbes and their natural products

In our laboratory, we examine archaeological samples, for example dental calculus, from which we want to extract natural substances that could be used as antibiotics. Due to their exceptional state of preservation, such samples provide access to genetic material of microorganisms that lived many centuries or even millennia ago!

Using state-of-the-art extraction and sequencing methods, bioinformatic analysis now makes it possible to investigate the evolution and characteristics of these organisms. Using so-called "genome mining", we can search for genes in their DNA information that are responsible for the production of bioactive molecules. Such genes can be genetically engineered into modern microorganisms to discover new and interesting natural products. These natural products help us to learn more about the evolution of bacteria and to find new antibiotics.

We open the doors of our laboratory to you and invite you to see how we unlock the secrets of ancient microorganisms.

Ein Forscher im Kittel und mit Mundschutz öffnet im Labor eine Schublade eines Schränkchens, in dem Proben stehen.
Paläobiotechnologie macht ausgestorbene Naturstoffe wieder verfügbar.
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