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Hydrogen - The energy source of the future?

19:00 - 19:45 o'clock
Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena
Hörsaal 1 (Haus 3, Ebene 3, Raumnummer 03.03.01)
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2

There are challenges along the hydrogen value chains that need to be taken into account when developing new technologies and systems - we will give you an insight during the interactive presentation!

Green hydrogen is considered a building block of the energy transition. Numerous processes can be made climate-friendly with the help of green hydrogen.

Some special properties must be taken into account when handling hydrogen. Among other things, hydrogen in combination with oxygen in the air can cause an explosive atmosphere or lead to the embrittlement of materials. Due to these properties of hydrogen, plants and products along the hydrogen value chain must meet special requirements, which must be taken into account in the development of plant technology and require special measures.

We would like to present selected challenges that are the focus of research projects in a transparent and interactive presentation with experiments.

Repetition at 20:30
Target group: young people & adults
Im Zentrum des Bildes steht ein blauer Kreis, in dem die chemische Formel für Wasserstoff H2 in weißen Zeichen steht. Um den Kreis herum schweben mehrere H2-Moleküle.
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