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Harnessing diversity: Communication & cooperation in intercultural teams

20:00 - 22:30 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
SR 301, 3. OG,
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8

Heterogeneous teams promise greater innovation, but carry the risk of frustration. How can the potential of intercultural teams be utilized? The interactive workshop looks at this question by experiencing and reflecting on teamwork.

Experience has shown time and again that working in teams is a difficult business. Working groups, (agile) project teams, creative circles, crisis teams, etc. often function much less effectively than one would expect - after all, it is generally assumed that the diversity of experience, expertise and perspectives should lead to an improvement in solutions. This friction, which leads to a loss of efficiency, is often exacerbated in intercultural teams - although for the purposes of the workshop, the term "intercultural" should be defined very broadly, as often enough an engineer and a controller or an anesthetist and a surgeon or a marketing woman and a human resources manager represent different cultures, even if they have the same mother tongue.

During the workshop, a mixture of exercises, reflection and theoretical work will be used to work out the difficulties of teamwork and possible solutions. The workshop will consist of two elements: an experience-based part in which participants work together as a team and a reflective part underpinned by theory and explanatory approaches.

At the beginning, participants will experience first-hand the challenges that can lurk in a diverse team: How are goals discussed and which ones are pursued? Is there agreement on forms of decision-making and division of tasks? How can it be ensured that everyone can contribute their respective talents?

Finally, these questions and related topics are reflected on a meta-level and underpinned with theories and scientific findings.

The aim is to provide participants with practically applicable concepts and tools for designing intercultural problem-solving processes in teams.

The program starts at 8 pm and is repeated at 9.30 pm


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