We consist of 70 % water, plants even 90 %. Water is absolutely essential for our lives. Water is not only important for us humans, but also for the plants that provide us with food. Water is therefore an important resource that we cannot do without.
And water is virtually everywhere in our environment. In the Saale, in Lake Schleicher, in the clouds, from the tap. But there are also important waterways that we don't see, but which are important for replenishing reserves. For example, water travels through the air as water vapor when it evaporates. Or it is under our feet in the groundwater.
Here at the Long Night, we are recreating a water cycle and showing how salt stays in the sea. We'll show you what plants need water for and how much they release into the atmosphere. We also make clouds in a glass of water and discuss the challenges that climate change poses for our forests.