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Cold, colder, coldest: research at ultra-low temperatures

18:30 - 22:30 o'clock
Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V.
Foyer, Leibniz-IPHT
Albert-Einstein-Str. 9

Scientists reveal how smart supercomputers of the future will work and what quantum technologies have to do with this new type of intelligence during a look inside the Leibniz IPHT laboratories.

Quantum technologies promise to revolutionize and permanently change diagnostic procedures, computer technology and traffic control. At the heart of these technologies are superconducting quantum bits (known as qubits), which like it very cold and are being researched at low temperatures. Those interested can gain an exciting insight into the work on quantum technologies and the supercomputer of the future by taking a look behind the otherwise closed laboratory doors.

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