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Clothing in motion - the travels of the physician Friderici

21:00 - 21:30 o'clock
Institut für Orientalistik, Indogermanistik, Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie and JenaKultur
Markt 7

In her impulse tour, Julia Eberhardt M.A. provides insights into the academic fashion of the 17th century using the example of the Jena physician and rector of the Salana Johann Arnold Friderici.

A special feature of the excavations at Collegium Jenense is the exceptionally good preservation of textiles in the tombs of the professors and their family members. Remains of the clothing in which they were buried have been preserved from over 30 people and almost all of the clothing from around 10 people. Using the example of the Jena physician Johann Arnold Friderici (1637-1672), who was also rector of the university in the winter semesters of 1664 and 1670, the preserved clothing is presented and explained in comparison to his pictorial representations. In this context, attention will also be paid to Friderici's life and his study trip and how this influenced his style of dress.

Professorenporträt des Mediziners Johann Anrold Friderici (1637–1672). (Abb.: Kustodie Universität Jena).
Professorenporträt des Mediziners Johann Anrold Friderici (1637–1672). (Abb.: Kustodie Universität Jena).
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