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The changing world

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Jenaer Schumpeter-Zentrum des sozialen und ökonomischen Wandels (JSEC)
Campus, Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, Raum wird noch bekannt gegeben
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3

Our society is changing - but how and why? And how do we deal with it? Hands-on activities and information from the Schumpeter Center

What does Netflix actually have to do with economics? What happens in a society in which there are more and more free riders? What skills and abilities do we need to keep up with new technological and social developments? Our world is changing on many levels. This change can be economic, technical, social or societal, for example. What factors are driving this change and how should we respond? The members of the Schumpeter Center for the Study of Social and Economic Change deal with these questions. Take part in our activities and try your hand at being a science minister, for example, by interactively influencing Thuringia's universities in the national science competition and talk to us about the latest studies.

mit Strichen verbundene Punkte in Regenbogenfarben
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