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The bone - a living organ

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
Universitätsklinikum Jena and AG Experimentelle Unfallchirurgie
Haus A
Am Klinikum 1

Information and hands-on activities on the subject of bones

You will receive information on various implant systems for stabilizing bones after fractures and modern surgical procedures. Using the example of minimally invasive joint surgery, also known as keyhole surgery, you can see what modern surgical procedures are without large incisions. You will have the opportunity to work on a model. There will also be hands-on activities on the subject of bones for young and old: histology - a blaze of color under the microscope. What do bones, organs and muscles look like under the microscope? Find out! Wafer-thin specimens are colorfully dyed - by you! You can take the "works of art" you have created home with you.

Not suitable for children under 12 years of age
Der Knochen – ein lebendes Organ
Der Knochen – ein lebendes Organ
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