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Optics with a click - from lens to light sheet microscope in 5 minutes

18:00 - 24:00 o'clock
Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V.
Foyer, Leibniz-IPHT
Albert-Einstein-Str. 9

What does a zebrafish have to do with research into the human nervous system? And how can you visualize each of them?

Expensive, mostly white boxes in top research laboratories, such as a light sheet microscope, record data sets and provide an insight into the 3D structure of these model organisms. But what if everyone - even at home - could build such a device themselves? With UC2 (You.See.Too), it's almost as easy as putting together a LEGO house. The microscope, once significantly influenced by Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe in Jena, is becoming a powerful tool for everyone. See for yourself and understand optics.



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